The TATE Dining Room and Bar, is a Version 2.0 for Chef Lau and a first for Acuna, taking a small scale Chef's fine dining kitchen to a front-of-house space spanning 2,200 square feet in the heart of the city's historic, cultural, and foodie neighborhood, Sheung Wan. The colour tones are reflective of Chef Lau's feminine oriented palette of whites, nudes, pinks, brass, and greens. Acuna planned the two-storey space as a journey which re-orients the visitor through a sensuous curvilinear initial pathway on the ground floor followed by a series of timeless rooms, a cross between art gallery environments and domestic spaces -- a reflection of Chef Vicky Lau's concept of enjoying visually playful food in a home environment.
All furnitures were designed in detail by Acuna to respond to various zoning requirements of the restaurant and bar. Numero Suite fabricated these furnitures, artist Elsa Jean Dededieu created a bespoke table of etched leaves and butterflies with Chef Lau. A handmade wallpaper company from Brooklyn, New York named Calico Wallpaper, designed the wonderful wallcoverings around the washrooms.
設計用色方面運用了白色,裸色,粉色,黃銅色及綠色,反映了主廚劉韻棋女士女性化的用色風格。設計師JJ Acuna把兩層的空間打造成一趟嶄新的感官空間旅程。顧客經過底層彎曲的路徑,穿梭在畫廊與居家式空間的包圍中,感受不受時間影響的愜意;在這個家一般的環境中享受食物的外觀與味道,與主廚劉韻棋女士的理念互相呼應。
所有傢俱細節都由設計師Acuna所設計,以劃分餐廳內用餐及吧臺區域。所有傢俱均由Numero Suite所製作,劉韻棋女士亦與藝術家Elsa Jean Dededieu合作,以蝕刻的葉子與蝴蝶作主題創造出獨特的餐檯。 洗手間周邊的牆紙則是由Calico Wallpaper,一家來自紐約布魯克林的手製牆紙企業所設計的。