Because of the shop’s unique location, set centred within a heavily trafficked shopping mall atrium, part of the planning brief was to create a branded outdoor seating area (OSA) within the mall's atrium space, placed adjacent to the typical restaurant's interior floor plan. This allows the design to reference Vietnam's old-colonial urban homes, which are generally found inside small streets, and using this as a way to create an indoor-outdoor garden zone for outside dining. A well defined entrance portal divides this garden space from the interior’s domestic oriented environment, bringing guests to a home-like atmosphere supported by Architectural window frames in stainless steel, low-wattage gold wall sconces, and mid-century modern concrete tiles for feature walls and some romantic flare. The restaurant's open kitchen is positioned in the centre of the plan, and can easily be appreciated by all diners sitting within the interior space. The design was executed in collaboration with RoanoakCo and Cedar and Moss for lighting, VG&P for chair fabrication, India Mahdavi for Bisazza for Feature tiles, and artist Elsa Jeandedieu for all antique wall renders.
項目中有多項與其他公司合作完成的元素:燈飾是與RoanoakCo和Cedar and Moss共同合作完成,VG&P協助製作椅子,India Mahdavi為品牌Bisazza設計的特色瓷磚,還有藝術家Elsa Jeandedieu所製作的復古牆面。