The liberal use of two-tone teal hand-glazed ceramic tiles and pink mosaics recall hundreds of Hong Kong's pencil towers which are rendered in similar colours. Glossy Navy-blue powder coated steel and wire mesh on the project's exterior and interiors recall the contemporary hawker stalls which line Hong Kong's streets. To add material warmth to the dining areas, the use of Red Cherry timbers are placed on all table top surfaces and low dining seats. To ground these intersection of colours stainless steel, chrome, white and grey terrazzo floors, and a grey pigmented formica were placed throughout the project to speak to both the contemporary nature of the brand yet underpinned by its Chinese roots.
Other details of note, all furniture in the project is bespoke and was designed to maximise for the extreme comfort of the guest dining experience. As an added feature, all bar areas are only 900mm tall, allowing for both a casual experience with the servers but to give comfort to traditional diners as well.
About The Restaurant
Established in 2012, Little Bao served their first original Chinese Bao burger at Hong Kong’s farmers’ market. The 12-hour slow cooked pork belly Bao with homemade pickles, fresh shiso and leek salad topped with sesame mayo and hoisin ketchup sold out within hours of opening. The lines, and the cravings, haven’t stopped since. In 2013, Little Bao opened its doors at the edge of Hong Kong’s Soho district with a small, 20-seat diner. The menu expanded to include Chinese influenced share plates such as braised short-rib dumplings, drunken clams, fried chicken with salted egg yolk alongside inventive cocktails such as Gin & Juice, Yuzu Leaf and Chris’ Lemonade. Little Bao is now a favourite destination for local and visiting foodies from around the world. The restaurant's founder, Chef May Chow, has been recently awarded "Asia's Best Female Chef 2017" by The World's 50 Best Restaurants organisation.
作為新一代的香港旅遊目的地餐廳,設計師Acuña與品牌顧問Olivia Pong和平面設計師Entender Studio合作,把小包包的品牌概念以貼地而不俗氣的方式呈現出香港真實的一面,讓其在朝國際性的方向發展的同時,仍然保留香港本土的特色,即通過設計細節和浪漫化元素,讓人回想起舊時中式咖啡館的魅力和香港80年代的流行懷舊情懷。 店內大量運用青藍雙色釉面陶瓷磚與粉紅色馬賽克,讓人聯想起香港外牆顏色相近的摩天大樓;而外牆使用的鋼板和室內的金屬網均漆以光面的藏青色,讓人憶起存在於香港街頭巷尾的小販攤檔。為增添室內的暖色調,桌子與矮椅表面均以紅櫻桃木鋪就。而地板則鋪以白灰色水磨石地磚,加上灰色木皮,中和了各種顏色與漆光面的不銹鋼,在保留傳統的基礎上同時展現了品牌的現代風格。 值得一提的是,餐館中所有傢俱都是定制的,且在設計上最大限度地提升了顧客在進餐時的舒適度。另一個特點是,吧臺均的高度均設計為900mm,讓顧客在輕鬆隨意的氛圍下擁有舒適的用餐享受。