Elephant Grounds Coffee Mid-Levels is the second landmark project by JJA / Bespoke Architecture for the Hong Kong-based cafe in two years. Designed in collaboration with Elephant Grounds founder, Kevin Poon, this new flagship location for the brand divides the double height space as a sequence of "lifestyle-oriented" moments, twisting the concept of the quintessential Hong Kong shop-house that it sits in and presenting these spaces to guests as a partly domestic-oriented experience. These moments come in the form of the following sequence of spaces: the Indoor-Outdoor Anteroom with stadium seating bleachers towards the front sidewalk, the Open Kitchen Coffee Bar Area which greets all guests as the heart of the project, the Main Dining Area around this Open Kitchen, the Living Lounge Cockloft on the Upper Level for quiet relaxation, and finally the outdoor Deck Garden in the back, with a living green wall, finishing the homestyle guest experience.
位處中環的Elephant Grounds Coffee是JJA / Bespoke Architecture成立兩年內的第二個香港標誌性咖啡廳項目。 該項目是JJA / Bespoke與Elephant Grounds的創辦人Kelvin Poon潘世亨先生共同設計而成。這間全新的旗艦店將兩層高的空間劃分出一系列的生活化空間,不僅顛覆了香港下舖上居餐廳的典型模式,把這些空間展露在顧客面前;更營造了一種賓至如歸的感覺。首先會吸引顧客視線的是以台階式座椅設計的等候區,由面向行人道的一側圍繞進點餐區;其次為處於店鋪正中央心臟位置的開放式廚房與咖啡吧,方便接待入座於不同位置的顧客;主要的用餐區則是圍繞開放式廚房而建。望向上層則能看見一個休閒式生活閣樓,讓顧客能在安靜的環境下放鬆身心。最後是位於餐廳靠後位置的露天平台花園,便完成餐廳一系列的家庭式體驗了。